Custom Work Availability Update

Ever since the two large dinosaur skull commissions were found by so many of you on social media at the beginning of the year, I have had more requests for custom art than I’ve had perhaps in all my years of selling art, combined.

While I am incredibly grateful so many people not only enjoy my art but want to go through the process of working one-on-one with me to create something unique for them, I am overwhelmed. A few months back I closed my commission request form and have up only a FAQ section on what working with me typically looks like. This was, at first, to give me room to sort through all the commission requests I had received. But since then several projects outside normal custom art requests have been falling into line. Fortunately, some include bucket-list art opportunities. Unfortunately, the scope of them means that I cannot take on any more custom projects for 2024.

If you’re someone who has already talked to me prior to this announcement and I’ve agreed to fit your project in to this year, don’t worry, though. I am holding space for you and your project! All other requests and projects will have to wait, however.

As of right now, I do not have anything booked for 2025. So near the end of 2024 I will announce when I’ll able to start working on new custom projects, and begin taking requests again. To give your project the best chance of being fit into my schedule, please do make sure to read the FAQ section I mentioned earlier, to make sure your project is something that fits well with my work!

Be well,


Fossils and Forests Shop Update


A Singular Violence Carving